10 Tips For Moving to a New City Alone in your 20s

One of the biggest leaps of faith you can take in life is moving to a new city alone in your 20s. You’re off to a great start by being proactive and setting yourself up for success.


I want to be the first to say, congratulations! This can be such a fun and transformative experience. A fresh start. One where you will learn and grow more than you could ever imagine.

Table of Contents

10 Tips for Moving to a New City Alone in Your 20s

In the last 3 years, I have had my fair share of moving cities. From Alaska to Colorado to Disney World to Thailand, I have learned a lot every time I have moved and each experience has been unique. Here are my top tips for moving to a new city alone in your 20s to help you ease into the transition.

Have Friends or Family to Call

moving alone to a new city in your 20s

Having a good support system is crucial for moving to a new city alone. When first adjusting to a new city alone, you will probably have to make your own friends and this can take a while. Whenever you feel lonely set up a call or FaceTime with a close friend or family member. 

Know You are Not Alone When Moving to a New City Alone in Your 20s

Although you may feel lonely, find comfort in knowing lots of people move to a new city or state all alone! In fact, there are lots of people that feel this way that are scared to speak up.

Let people know you are new to the area and still figuring things out. This will let them know that you are open to making new friends.

Download Apps

Bumble BFF for Moving to a New City Alone in your 20s

One way to prove that people are always looking for new friends is Bumble BFF! Bumble BFF is an app for your phone that allows you to connect with new friends and meet new people wherever you are!

I have lots of friends who have downloaded Bumble BFF and made new friends from it! In fact, it’s a great way to meet like-minded people as you as well as people with a similar work or life schedule as you.



There are many apps nowadays, there’s even one for connecting people with their hobbies. Meetup is an app that connects people through shared activities. This could be anything from volleyball to coffee chats.

Join the City’s Facebook Group

moving alone to a new city in your 20s

moving to a new city alone in your 20s

Some people say Facebook is dying, however, I think it’s the opposite! Facebook is thriving and so are Facebook groups! I join Facebook groups for just about anything. For example, Girls LOVE Travel, Solo Travelers, and anything you can just about think of. There is a Facebook group for it!

Join a Facebook group to meet like-minded people in the same area, or to find your roommates for your big move. Communities on Facebook are there to help you and bring people together.

Join a Local Club When Moving to a New City Alone in your 20s

moving alone to a new city in your 20s

Love working out? Join a gym! 

Yoga is your favorite? Take a yoga class! 

Do you like books? Join a book club! 

In your new city inquire about things that interest you and join clubs and groups to get connecting. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!

Say Yes

One of my most successful tips for moving to a new city alone in your 20s is to say YES to things. Anytime I get invited anywhere I always say yes. Conversely, staying at home and FaceTime family back home is great to stay in touch, but you need to be open-minded in your new home and acclimate to the new normal.

Saying yes to going rock climbing, taking a day trip somewhere cool, or watching Sunday night football at someone’s house will keep you distracted and help you make friends.

moving to a new city alone in your 20s

Make a Bucket List for Your New City!

make a bucket list

Before you head off on your big new adventure it is a good idea to take time to make a bucket list for your new city! I do this every time I move somewhere new. The bucket list could be as simple as “walk around the neighborhood”. The point is, making a bucket list is a great resource to refer to when you are not sure what to do in your free time.

When you find yourself bored or lonely, whip out your bucket list and cross something off!

Learn to Go Places Alone

moving to a new city alone in your 20s

moving alone to a new city in your 20s

This one is a challenging one (even for me still). However, learning to be okay with going places alone can be very difficult. New movie out in theaters? Find the confidence to take yourself out to a movie alone!

In fact, having something you really want to do, but have no one to do it with is a common occurrence for people when they first move to a new city or state alone. However, until you find your community, it can be hard to force yourself to have fun experiences alone.

Find the confidence to go to your Sunday farmers market alone, or a movie alone, or anything else. 

Nevertheless, just know nobody is watching or judging you as much as you think. Live and let live.

Travel with a Comfort Item

Traveling with comfort items from home is crucial! If you are low on space to pack extra items, go with something small! I like to travel with photos I have printed off from Walgreens to tape on the walls and my pillowcase from home. Both of these items pack up super small and are lightweight.

I always move with an item that I know will make me feel happy even on the saddest of days. Having a comfort item is the most important item on my packing list!

Embrace the Journey

moving to a new city alone in your 20s

Lastly, this may be one of the biggest adventures you embark on in your life! Embrace the journey and its highs and lows. Go into it knowing you will grow as a person and you may be completely different on the other side of the adventure. Use this time to make yourself a better version of yourself, the person you have always wanted to be.

It should be noted to utilize this opportunity and enjoy it. Moving is a fun brand new adventure, a shiny object that looks so glamorous on the internet, and it is! It truly is one of the best things you can do for yourself. But also be prepared that not every step of the way will be easy, but you can do it.

No matter where you are moving, I hope you can take these tips for moving to a new city alone in your 20s and use them to enhance your life!

Have you ever moved anywhere alone? What advice would you give your past self? If you could move anywhere in the world right now, where would you move? Let me know in the comments!


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I’m Danika! A travel obsessed, Disney adult, with a knack for budgeting.

In 2020 I was furlough from my “dream” job at Disney and have pursued my first love of travel ever since. I have traveled to 33 states and 28 countries spanning 5 continents.

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Get insider secrets, stories from the road, and my free packing list!

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